Generic Downstem 14-18mm


| Perc: Basic Downstem
| Joint size: 18mm
| Slide size: 14mm

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Generic Downstem 14-18mm

Our Generic Downstems are measured from the top of the ground joint to the very bottom of the stem. They feature slits on the slide and one hole on the bottom.

| Perc: Basic Downstem
| Joint size: 18mm
| Slide size: 14mm

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2.5in, 2.75in, 3.25in, 3.5in, 3.75in, 3in, 4.25in, 4.5in, 4.75in, 4in, 5.25in, 5.5in, 5.75in, 5in, 6.25in, 6.5in, 6.75in, 6in, 7.25in, 7.5in, 7in

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