Moltn Glass 65mm Double Gyzr – Pink


| Stemless straight with double 65mm Gyzr percs
| Perc: Double Gyzr
| Joint Size: 18mm
| Height: 14.75″
| Label: Pink
| Includes: 18mm Moltn slide
| Made in California by Moltn Glass

Only 1 left in stock


Moltn Glass 65mm Double Gyzr – Pink

Moltn Glass specializes in sturdy, compact and incredibly powerful pieces. For those who enjoy extreme percolation and beautiful pieces; look no further. The Moltn Glass double perc pieces were engineered with smoothness and drag in mind. Moltn Glass has eliminated all of the traditional problems of double percs, like drag, water splashing, and uneven water levels by circulating the smoke through the “MUG HANDLE”. This feature gives the piece a more symmetrical look, better functionality and balance. Featuring Moltn Glass one of a kind creations; a double reverse action GYZR. Vicious percolation with minimal effort and drag.

| Stemless straight with double 65mm Gyzr percs
| Perc: Double Gyzr
| Joint Size: 18mm
| Height: 14.75″
| Label: Pink
| Includes: 18mm Moltn slide
| Made in California by Moltn Glass

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